Are we ready to combat a bigger monster than Coronavirus? Are we equipped for a more widespread and far reaching menace that is soon going to look us in the face? While corona worst hits the least immune, vulnerable, weaker retiring sections of our society, this monster is going to morbidly affect the most productive, young, and active sections of the world. It is going to affect the younger generations, bread earners, entrepreneurs and the likes.
Agreed that lockdown is the only vaccine available to us today against the pandemic. Also in our hearts we all know that prolonged quarantine or lockdowns are the only visible preventive solution. We may close our eyes to it or comfort ourselves by living in the moment but the fact remains that economies are going to bleed. Further, dwindling sources of income and subsequent prolonged home stay are going to increase incidence of internet addiction, loneliness, stress, anxiety and psychological problems.
We have lockdown to save ourselves from the infection but what do we have to address these mental health issues?
In this case too, prevention is better than cure and the time to act is now. It is as important to remain mentally at peace as it is to stay physically fit.
Following a routine every day and spending quality time with oneself has become imperative today. Keeping hope, positive energy, and happiness alive in any adverse situation needs some conscious effort. Focusing inwards to discover one’s own strength through meditation or creative activities that calm the mind are examples of things we should be doing and encouraging our dear ones to indulge in. Art, in any of its forms, be it music, dance, writing, or visual arts, provides a creative outlet to the nascent feelings, anxiety, fears in these days of uncertainty. Let us all work on ourselves and build each other to make a better world.
The way things are moving your apprehensions about darker days do not seem to be wrong although one would never wish it so . Also agree that only lockdown is the solution however long it may be. Let’s all pledge to adhere to
lockdown howsoever bitter pill okay be. God bless our and coming generatios
I hope we are able to cope up as a society and come out of it as better human beings.