Dr Neerja Chandna Peters Artist Writer Physician

Every spare moment has a seed of creativity. And every moment lost is a lost opportunity for it to grow. We all have the same time. We just need to be good gardeners.

Art is something that catches the eye and snatches your heart. It could be a partially lit corner of a road, a dangling peepal leaf in sunlight, a twisted curve of a banyan root, a heap of coloured toys or paints on an old table; or it could be an effort by an artist, a creation of the artist’s own mind. You look at it and you pause, reflect and hold on to it till an external distraction takes you away from it. And then there is a work you go back to...in your mind, hold it close...for it brings a unique sense of joy, unmatched to any external distraction, as if a recluse...that you can shut yourself off and go back to whenever you wish...for comfort.

Joy is lighting up dark corners Joy is a birdsong after pin drop silence Joy is the sight of warm cup of coffee to sleepy eyes Joy is dawn...
Joy is filling up an empty space... Joy is a drop of water in a dry planter Joy is an answer to a curious child’s question Joy is a blank canvas

Creativity, (be it art, literature or philosophy) is the manifest ray of light that emanates from our veiled consciousness and that’s why it is a way to connect our superficial being with our own inner light and then, at a later stage, to the Divine.
There comes a stage when one is tired of one’s superficial existence. That is the time one should touch base with one’s own inner light or consciousness.

Work is worship. And so is art. Maybe art is transcendence...If it involves your heart and soul...He-art-and soul ...see how art is the connecting link.

. People chose religion to reach God. I chose art.
My paintings have the peace of siesta in them. It comes from the nap I miss taking while I am in the flow of painting.

The past decade of balancing medical profession, home and art has been a period of yearning. Like the time between dusk and dawn.
Dusk on my palette and canvas...both waiting for dawn like me.
After a satisfying meal, it is time for the dessert...Art is the dessert of my life. And it’s time to dig

Progress is work and work is progress.

An artist is one who is easily inspired. Keep the artist in you alive!

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